Deep dry needling
Deep dry needling is a technique aimed at treating muscle-based pain. First of all we have to understand what a trigger point is. It is a structure that is presented in the muscle in which there is an increase of substances pro-nociceptive. These substances increase the sensitivity to pain. Trigger point may cause local pain or referred pain; For example, it is very common, that causes pain in the shoulder area and pain referred to the head.
' ' Dry needling, it is not sticking needles ' '
Dry needling is often mistaken with acupuncture because they both share needle use. This is the only thing they share because the reasoning and the bases of these techniques are very different.
Deep dry needling consist in needling the trigger point for a localized inflammation, to generate a washing of those substances that generate pain. Immediately getting a reduction in the patient’s pain.
Dry needling is a very effective technique, with minimal side effects and safe as long as it is done by professionals.
Dolores Musculares
Pese a que la Punción Seca Profunda puede dejar molestias pasajeras, se consigue una notable disminución del dolor muscular rápidamente.
Activación Muscular
Se ha observado que la presencia de Puntos Gatillo reducen la fuerza muscular, por lo que con este tratamiento se mejora la activación muscular.
Acelera la Recuperación
Al realizar Punción Seca, generamos un proceso inflamatorio localizado, que ayuda a acelerar el proceso de recuperación del tejido muscular.
Abordaje de Tejidos
La Punción Seca nos permite llegar de forma más precisa a tejidos profundos donde, de forma manual, es más complejo.
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