Supraespinatus Tendinitis?

Faced with a problem of shoulder pain, on many occasions, we find that the medical diagnosis is of Supraespino Tendinitis. The tendinitis concept refers to a process of acute inflammation, which should be associated with trauma or a triggering gesture. But on many occasions the onset of pain is progressive and does not have a clear start.

If we take time with pain, we probably won't be in an acute inflammatory phase.

Although it is very common to find degenerative findings in the tendon, often described as tendinitis, it has been observed that many healthy patients also present these painless degenerative processes.

The shoulder is a very characteristic articulation given the need for a range of motion that it has. This is why it depends a lot on the muscular system for the correct stabilization and function of the arm.

That is why any muscular imbalance can be the source of pain, or at least a contributing factor to the perpetuation of the symptoms. Hence, any process of recovering a shoulder pain involves a correct exercise program to ensure the correct functioning of the joint shoulder complex.

The Rotator Cuff Orchestra

We can understand the rotator cuff as an orchestra, in which each one of the instruments has to be tuned and sound at the right time for everything to sound perfect. If an instrument sounds out of tempo it unbalances the whole orchestra and the result can be fatal.

The same thing happens on the shoulder. Each muscle has a specific job and a proper activation time. Sometimes, due to pain, a bad position, efforts or maintained positions, some shoulder muscles begin to work less or out of time. This, in the end, ends up breaking the balance causing the pain to become chronic or not to be resolved.